Kendall's 6 Month Portraits

Good morning and happy hump day!

I hope you all started your Wednesday out right! I just wanted to share this sweet photo shoot I did this past weekend. This is part of our Grow with Me Package.

I am super excited about this session since it was my first booked session in the DFW Metroplex! Plus, it has to do with such a sweet and adorable baby girl and her beautiful momma. We kind of made it into a mother a daughter session as well.

So many parents want pictures of their kids growing up, but let's not forget that kids want to see pictures of their moms and dads while they were in the prime of their lives building their family. Moms and dads, you matter too! It's good to treat yourself every once in awhile! I know I like to!

Some of my favorites are the pictures I took of Kendall's hands, feet, and her doing what she does best...putting anything and everything in her mouth. It's so good to get those little moments on camera because one day they will be gone and you'll find yourself trying to remember those little (and sometimes annoying) habits.

Here are the pictures from the shoot! Leave a comment below! I'd love to hear from you!
